After long strike of contractual employees of AMTS Ahmedabad Municipal Transport Service (AMTS), the management has worked out a solution to the problem arising out of the staff shortage caused by the absence of about 1,500 striking workers. As a remedy AMTS has already started recruiting new conductors in place of contractual striking employees. Initially, it will employ 100 conductors in groups of 8 to 10. The recruitment drive is being done by inducting new conductors who will be hired from Ahmedabad Janmarg Ltd (AJL). It will instill a sense of urgency to return to work among the striking staff, says transport manager and deputy municipal commissioner.GMS Gujarat Mazdoor Sabha, the representative union of striking staff, is planning to challenge this move. General secretary of GMS, has said that the AMTS recruiting fresh staff while the strike was still on, was not permissible as per laws. “This step is suicidal for the AMTS and we will challenge this, to stop these appointments,” he said.