vijay nehra
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AMC Commissioner Vijay Nehra says Coronavirus doubling rate has improved

Today AMC Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation Commissioner Vijay Nehra addresses people of Ahmedabad on Coronavirus update.

Commissioner Nehra was happy of many patients discharged after Coronavirus treatment. He said total 394 patients were discharged in last 10 days.

Shri Vijay Nehra IAS, Municipal Commissioner (Amdavad Municipal Corporation) is now LIVE.

Shri Vijay Nehra IAS, Municipal Commissioner (Amdavad Municipal Corporation) is now LIVE.

Posted by AMC-Amdavad Municipal Corporation on Saturday, 2 May 2020

amc figures
amc figures

Cases were doubling every 4 days, now the doubling rate has improved and gone upto 10 added Nehra.

19 patients
19 patients

Total 19 recovered from COVID, patients were dishcharged yesterday from SVP Hospital in Ahmedabad. Another batch of 26 people discharged  from the Samras Hostel, Covid Care Centre.