In Vatva area of Ahmedabad, a 30-year-old woman filed a complaint in Vata Police Station against a 62-year-old man for attempting to kiss her in the lift of their apartment building on Thursday morning. Vatva police arrested the accused Prafulchandra Raichand Bhavsar based on FIR. However, accused Bhavsar was released on bail by Narol court on Friday afternoon. As per the FIR filed by a lady , 30, a resident of Samarpan Flats in Vatva, at 8 am on Thursday she took the lift to the ground floor. She was joined by her neighbour Prafulchandra Raichand Bhavsar (62) in the lift. In the confined space, Bhavsar forcibly pulled Neera towards him and attempted to kiss her. The complainant states that she managed to escape when the lift reached the ground floor. She immediately told her husband about the incident and the couple reached to Vatva police to file a complaint against Bhavsar, under IPC Section 354/A1. Police Sub Inspector Vatva, investigating officer in the case, said, “Based on the FIR, we have arrested the accused on Thursday and produced him before Narol court which released him on bail.”
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