Ahmedabad: 40 Private schools failed to make fee proposals to FRC
In Ahmedabad, high handedness of 40 Private schools of Ahmedabad District and City failed to make fee proposals to FRC Fees Regulation Committee.
Parents with ward studying in self financed schools are in dismay and protesting against fees hike by school management.

Self-financed schools are demanding fees in advance for academic year 2018-19 in advance from the parents without bothering about Fees Regulatory Act in Gujarat.
Proposal was to be made by 21st March by 12 pm. Udgam, Anand Niketan, DPS, Tulip, Prakash , Ahmedabad International and Tripada International school did not make proposal to pay fees.
Self financed schools are violating School Fees Regulatory Act in the state on which Surprisingly Gujarat Education Board and DEO District Education Officer is silent in the matter. School Trustees and owners are quiet in the matter.
Pay fees until FRC declare final fee structure said Gujarat Education Minister Bhupendra Chudasma today talking about the issue.

Gujarat Congress spokesman Dr Manish Doshi has condemned the condition of education in Gujarat.
Trustees and owners of Self Financed Schools have raised the matter in Supreme Court and Verdict on it is slated for 4th April.
By today evening a guideline by Gujarat Education Board with regard to school fees was to be released.