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Ahmedabad :15 crude bombs found in Dariapur

Ahmedabad :15 crude bombs found in Dariapur

Today in Ahmedabad, police found 15 crude bombs in Dariapur area . Near Tambu Chowky in Dariapur area police found 15 live crude bomb were found from garbage in a very sensitive area.  Crude bombs were packed in tobacco tin with a ball bearing, nail and thread tied onto it. They were packed with cello tape. All the bombs were defused. People started running in panic in the area. Tin were from Babulal & company which shut down before 2005.

Ahmedabad Crime Branch ACB investigates crube bomb case
Ahmedabad Crime Branch ACB investigates crube bomb case

Team of JK Bhatt, ACB Crime Branch is investigating the case. A joint operation by Dariapur Police, Crime Branch and SOG was carried out. Dog squad was also called.

Some elements with malicious intention could try to disrupt communal harmony in the area during Diwali festival is being probed by police.

In Dariapur area, Hindu and Muslims stay together with communal harmony. Dariapur Police has been put on alert.

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