Bollywood actor Rajpal Yadav, who is facing a recovery lawsuit, has submitted a fresh proposal in the Delhi High Court to settle the loan he had taken.”I have to payback Rs.3.42 crore while have already paid Rs.1.58 crore. I have got a fresh offer from a company which has agreed to take up my liablity of the loan,” actor informed to a bench of justices Geeta Mittal and P S Teji. Yadav’s lawyer showed the proposal to the bench but refused to share it with appellant’s advocate , representing the lender Delhi-based businessman, owner of Murli Projects. After perusing the proposal, the bench asked by when he can pay the money to which Yadav’s counsel said that within 30 days.
Senior advocate opposed the contention and said that Yadav has earlier also promised in court to pay the debt after working in a movie ‘Bhopal: A prayer for rain’ but till now he has not paid the amount.