Mohan Bhagwat RSS explains Theory of Contract; equates it with marriage Mohan Bhagwat RSS Chief talked on Theory of Social Contract. Bhagwat said its a mutually acceptable deal between husband and wife at an event of RSS in Indore Rajasthan. You may call it a marriage. Bhagwat further says marriage is a social deal, a […]
In Ahmedabad a press meet was held on 4th February by Rao Group of Companies. Now English language has become more important in all industries and the people who would love to go aboard they are facing problem while giving International English language testing system exams. For these exams, people have to learn four models […]
A “selective” approach to human rights dents the country’s image, Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi said Today, as he lashed out at “some people” who, he said, viewed human rights “with an eye on political gains and loss” were harming democracy. PM Modi addressed NHRC National Human Rights Commission in virtual mode.…/status/1447805335217917954… […]