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Covid care center setup with Covid negative patient in Panchmahal

Today in a very shocking revelation it has been exposed that in Morva Hadaf Medical staff admit Covid negative patients just for photo session during minister visit. Covid care center was setup with a Covid negative patient which was closed down after minister visit to the centre. A small 8 bed Covid care center was setup on Sant Road in the town.

Covid negative lady patient has complained about the incident that though her report came negative in private hospital she was told to become patient during minister visit.

Morva Hadaf constituency is located in Panchmahal district.

Recently Gujarat minister Jaydrathsinh Parmar visited Covid care centres of various talukas of Panchmahal district where instructions were given to district administration for the success of ‘Maru Gaam Corna Mukt Gaam’ campaign.

Minister Parmar visited Referral Hospital and Community Health Centre At Ghoghama in Panchmahal district.

As per media source.

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