India leads the graph in portraying attractive women in its movies and as much as 35 per cent of these female characters are shown with some nudity, finds a first-ever UN sponsored global study report of female characters in famous films across the world.
Saraf Foods to invest Rs. 60 Crore in a new manufacturing plant near Vadodara; holds Bhoomi Pujan ceremony With aim to diversify into air drying, adding capacities in freeze drying and strengthening backward integration by IQF, Saraf Foods Ltd., a Vadodara-based freeze dried specialist food processing company, will invest Rs. 60 crore in an all […]
Today, Amit Shah BJP national president will reach Thiruvananthapuram to address a party agitation and meet Sangh Parivar leaders against the backdrop of elections to localbodies. Shah would address the party workers, who have laid a siege to the state secretariat since Monday evening in protest against the corruption in Congress-led government and to expose the failure of the CPI […]