anandvihar flats
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Illegal demolition attempt of old flats in Ahmedabad

Today in Ahmedabad, controversy erupted over redevelopment of AnandVihar flat opposite to Satellite’s Keshavbagh party plot, residents threw stones at the JCB machine this morning as a protest against attempt of demolition. Former society chairman and secretary of AnandVihar Flats joined hands with Housing Board members as well as big builders and submitted proposal of flat for redevelopment with false signatures of the residents. Residents have accused builders and Housing Board members of joining hands to grab prominent land space in Satellite area.

Residents Alleged to have taken the signature of former chairman and secretary for some other work. In this case, one resident said that for some other work, old chairman and secretary had taken the signatures of residents of the flat and it was sent to Housing Board for redevelopment. It was later reported in the newspaper that even tender was issued by the Housing Board in this regard. So that the whole matter was investigated. We do not want redevelopment said residents. The redevelopment of the flat requires approval of 75 percent of the residents, but 50 percent demand redevelopment of flat.

AnandVihar flats are 35 years old, Residents of flats allege that the houses of housing board are 35 years old and in the name of redevelopment, some builders have nexus with officials of the housing board to grab the land. Residents also said that the police came on Thursday night and orally asked residents to vacate the society. So on Friday morning the residents of the flat gathered and pelted stones at JCB machine on the road. Police rushed to the spot and tried control the situation.

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