Popular celebrity chef, Brian McDermott today led 20 top Executive
Chefs of Ahmedabad in an exclusive workshop to propagate the cause of “Healthy Food with ‘NO’ Sodium” at Gopi Dining Hall as part of an effort by TeamLease Skills University (TLSU) to promote healthy living to people of Ahmedabad. He dished out some exclusive dishes like green beans, pea and mint soup, brown bread, braised cabbage, lightly spiced apple in presence of other city based chefs. McDermott is a professional from Vocational University, Northern Western Regional College (NWRC), Ireland,UK. This follows a similar initiative organised at TLSU campus on May 5
that saw interactive sessions with Executive chefs of Vadodara on
combinations of healthy, ethnic cuisines in India and Ireland that
embraced traditional trends in fusion cuisines to cook without salt
and McDermott had experimented with a variety of delicacies through live demonstrations.
“After suffering 2 cardiac arrests, I decided to improve my lifestyle
and diet. Sodium leads to high blood pressure and so, I wanted to take it out of my diet and help people who have been facing similar issues. Sodium contributes to obesity. Processed food items available in the market affect our health too. I have been practicing it for the last 7 years. It has been magnificent so far. It was difficult initially. But I got used to the taste afterwards,” said Brian McDermott. Today’s workshop was an extension of collaborative teaching and learning for the cause of academics, research, skill inculcation, cultural awareness, historical links and knowledge exchange between Ireland and India. Under the exchange program, a delegation of 3 faculty members from NWRC visited TLSU for a period of 15 days in November 2016 to interact with our faculty, students and industry partners.
According to the Chef, while it would be challenging for Indians to
move to a “NO Sodium” diet, there are several other spices available
in India that has the power to overpower salt and add an enhanced
taste. “We at TeamLease Skills University (TLSU) believe in making a difference. As part of our student- faculty exchange programme we have been working towards mutually supportive links with Ireland to bring about a change in the education field. Our key objective is to inculcate necessary skills, employability and subject knowledge that can enable students and faculty members to apply more of practical oriented, application-based teaching,” said Provost Mr Vikrant Pande.
Gopi Dining Hall is one of the oldest food hubs in Ahmedabad since
1979 set up by Damodarbhai Thakkar. Gopi is known for serving
traditional Kathiawadi and Gujarati cuisine and is a household name. Its patrons span across the state, from the elderly to the youth. McDermott is a regular contributor to a range of media outlets across Ireland. He has a weekly piece on the Mark Patterson show on BBC Radio Foyle and also a monthly slot on the Stephen McCauley show on BBC Radio Ulster. He is also the author of the successful cookery book, ‘Reunite with Food’. TLSU has also taken it as a mission to prepare students to compete in the current fast- paced economy. “The knowledge and expertise gained through such exchange programs gives rise to innovation and keeps us abreast with leading technology, teaching methodology and helps to build a strong global economy that can improve quality of life for the present and future generations. The faculty exchange programme is very relevant and vital as it helps us to learn their teaching methodology and best practises,” said Dr. Rahul Kanagat, HOD- Department of Hospitality, at TeamLease Skills University, Vadodara, Gujarat.