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Government confirmed Ahmedabad for UNESCO world heritage city tag

The central government has decided to nominate Ahmedabad for the UNESCO world heritage city this year. January 30 is the last date for countries to send their nominations to UNESCO for the title. Results of which will be announced later in June 2017, and the government has confirmed that Ahmedabad as heritage city tag.

Culture Minister said that we have decided to nominate Ahmedabad in the list as it has a clear-cut proposal.”

The Culture Ministry is supposed to officially endorse a nomination before it can be sent to UNESCO. The final call on Ahmedabad was taken late Thursday evening, citing loopholes in Mumbai’s proposal.
There are over 250 world heritage cities across the globe, but India — despite its long history and numerous heritage sites —has no UNESCO-recognised world heritage city. Ahmedabad, Delhi and Mumbai have made it to UNESCO’s tentative list, considered the first step before a detailed dossier for nomination can be submitted. The UNESCO tag adds immense brand value to the city and adds significantly to tourism footfall.