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Rajkot city selected for Capacities project by Swiss govt; Swiss govt to borne expenses

Switzerland government has selected Rajkot city of Gujarat for its Capacity Built Up project which will work on the concept of Low Carbon and Climate Resilient City Development. It is meant for reduction of Carbon getting added into atmosphere and preservation of Natural Resources.
Today Swiss Ambassador to India Dr. Linus von Castelmur met Municipal Commissioner Vijay Nehra. This is a step forward in making Rajkot as a Smart City. The meeting between Swiss Ambasador and Rajkot Commissioner lasted for one hour. Commissioner Nehra briefed about selection of Rajkot by Swiss government and its development related information.

Swiss government’s Swiss Agency For Development and Corporation has selected various aganecies which will start functioning from January 2016 involving environment monitoring, carbon level reduction and to meet challenges related to climate change.  Swiss government will borne all the expenses.

Agencies will start working from Jan 2016 in Rajkot city and in March 2016 will do detailed planning and execution of the project will be done in April 2016.

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