Today Gujarat Chief Minister was delighted to get environment cleance from the Centre on its ambitious Dholera airport project at Navagam village near the city. The Central Forest, Environment and Climate Change department has informed the same through a letter sent to the Dholera International Airport Company, a Special Purpose Vehicle created by the state government, an official release stated. The proposed airport project is part of proposed Dholera Special Investment Region (SIR), will come up in 1,426 hectares of land near Navagam at a budget of Rs 1,712 crores.
This project of building a world-class airport, about 30 kms from here, will be executed in 3 phases. As per project report by the Airport Authority of India (AAI), Rs 716 crore would be spent in the first phase of the project.Apart from catering to the needs of Dholera SIR, this multipurpose airport project would also cater to nearby cities of Vadodara, Anand, Rajkot, Bhavnagar and Nadiad. The project had a no-objection certificate from Ministry of Defence in 2014, while the Civil Aviation Ministry has also given ‘site clearance’ in the past. After this environmental clearance, the state government hopes to get in-principle approvals from the Civil Aviation Ministry by January 2016.