Today, Ahmedabad Mayor Minakshiben Patel sanctioned Sheth Vadilal Sarabhai General Hospital’s Budget worth Rs 116.64 crores for the financial year 2015-16. The Hospital Budget was sanctioned in a meeeting chaired by the Mayor.
Break-up of the Budget year 2015-16 (Rs in Lakhs)
Hospital Income: 465.20
Govt grant: 200.00
AMC grant: 10999.40
Total Income 11664.60
General Expenditure 11436.10
Misc Expenditure 228.50
Total Expenditure 11664.60
The Hospital Budget will cater to (NRHM) Nationational Rural Health Mission, “MA Yojna”of Chief Minister Amrutam Vatsalya Yojna, (JSSK), Jan Shishu Suraksha Karyakram and (RSBY), Rashtriya Swasthya Vima Yojna schemes.
Swatchta Abhiyan was given special weightage in the meeting. Rs 10 lakhs have been earmarked for Swatchta Abhiyan by Hospital.