Nichetech SolutionsComments Off on 4 persons died in hutment fire of Ahmedabad
In Ahmedabad city, in fire tragedy on hutment near Kalupur Bridge, about 10 huts caught fire in which 4 persons died due to fire including 3 children and a woman.
Today, Actor Rajeev Khandelwal visited Ahmedabad with a new concept of Reporter. Rajeev visited city after a gap of seven years. Rajeev talked to media and said this is a very new concept of not about News Reading but about a life of a Reporter who has aspirations, challenges, jealousy and love. I hope which […]
Collaboration combines the power of the cloud with cutting-edge technologies such as AI and data to provide actionable insights for marketers in a mobile world June 26, 2018 — InMobi, a global provider of enterprise platforms for marketers, today announced a strategic partnership with Microsoft Corp. to enable new-age CMOs in their transformational journey from […]
After Amul increasing milk pric, Baroda Dairy milk has also announced increase price by Rs two. Price of milk byproduct Yogurt, Ice Cream, Srikhand, Dahi did not increase. Baroda Dairy,has increase the price for the 20th time in the last 8 years. Milk price has risen in 2006, 2007 and 2008 milk year has increased […]