Heavy rains lashed western parts of the city on Thursday. The month of August began on a dry note for Ahmedabad, meanwhile July had ended on a rainy note and the city had received 9 mm on the last day. Monsoon rains remained absent from the city for the first two days. However, Monsoon rains have begun over Ahmedabad during the last 72 hours. While the city received rains in single digit two days ago, 12mm rainfall was observed a day before. However, during the last 24 hours, rain gods were a little too kind over the city. During the last 21 hours from 8:30 am on Thursday and 5:30 am today, Ahmedabad has recorded a whopping 104 mm of rain. These rainfall figures also happen to be the highest 24-hour rainfall in the last five years.
Not only Ahmedabad, but other areas of the state of Gujarat have also received good Monsoon showers during the same period. These rains can be attributed to the cyclonic circulation which is currently over South Gujarat and its adjoining areas. The off shore trough is also running from South Gujarat enhancing the rainfall activity. So far, Ahmedabad has received 120 mm of rain in five days against its monthly average of 266.2 mm. Last year during the month of August, Ahmedabad had only managed to receive 19.1 mm of rain during the entire month. By late Thursday, many parts of the city including Navrangpura, Nehrunagar, Satellite, Jodhpur, Vejalpur, Sarkhej, Vasna, Ghatlodiya and Vadaj witnessed substantial amount of rainfall. Eastern parts of the city like Naroda, Nikol, Odhav and Vastral also witnessed drizzles during late evening.
The next 24 hours are expected to be similar and Ahmedabad is expected to receive more Monsoon rains making weather conditions even more pleasant for the residents. According to the weather officials, the city is likely to witness rainfall or thunder showers with cloudy sky on Friday. Meteorological Centre, Ahmedabad, also predicted that other parts of the state will witness light to moderate rainfall on Friday.