Union Parliamentary Affairs Minister and long-time BJP leader Ananth Kumar died at a private hospital here in the early hours of Monday after battling lung cancer for several months. He was 59. The Bangalore South MP, who returned home in October after undergoing treatment in the US and Britain, breathed his last around 2 am […]
Vadodara: Private ambulance employees’ strike enters second day Today in Vadodara, Private ambulance employees’ strike enters into second day. Due to sirike of private ambulance staff patients suffer and face hardship during shifting patients and oving dead bodies. Recently, 108 ambulance staff was observing hunger strike over resolving their pending issues. The stirkes were […]
Today in Gujarat High Court, four new Judges have been appointed. Oath of four Judges Ilesh Vora, Geeta Gopi, Dr Ashokkumar Joshi and Rajendra Sarin was adminstered by Chief Justice of High Court in Ahmedabad. Gujarat Home Minister Pradipsinh Jadeja was present at the oath ceremony among other Bar Council members.