The Prime Minister, Narendra Modi has greeted and saluted the teaching community on Teachers’ Day. The Prime Minister also paid tributes to Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan. “Greetings and salutations to the teaching community on Teachers’ Day. My tributes to the great scholar and teacher Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan”, the Prime Minister said.
Today in Deodar and Dhima of Banaskantha district, incidents of hailstorms were reported , as the weather turned windy and arrival of unseasonable rain. Kharif crop like groundnut and paddy likely to get damaged. Even potato crop is likely to get damaged. Farmers in the region are in pathetic situation. Rural areas of Jasdan Rajkot […]
Today in Vadodara,in a trap laid down by ACB Anti Corruption Bureau ,son of Nadiad based businessman of dealing in adhesive was caught. RFO Range Forest Officer of Vadodara was offered a bribe of Rs 4 lakhs, as per source.